Welcome to Big Warriors Linemen Blog!

This is a great place to network with us. Who are we? A group of Local Coaches from the Western US and Hawaii...as well as Japan, New Zealand, Samoa, and beyond. Our network is designed to take a small group of past players and coaches that know what it takes to make it to the next level in Football. From Friday Night Lights to Saturday game day... we are here to help you make that leap. Most players never make it...and some that do make it probably were not the best at their position. Like many things in life it is the "Who you know" factor. Together we will track some of the best up and coming linemen and athletes in the Western State and Pacific Islands. If you think you got the right stuff and want our help... by all means contact us. The help and advice is free.... so no promises. We can not turn a Hyundai into a Hummer but we will sure try and help...if your willing to work!

"My effort...is my mark.
I will give...so much effort,
That my mark...will not fade."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Training European Style for Max results!! Something different.


My name is Mark Mclaughlin and I own and operate Performance Training
Center www.ptconline.net in Beaverton, Oregon. I specialize in
preparing athletes for speed/strength sports like football,track and
field, basketball etc. Some athletes I have worked with over the past
three years include:

Eliot Vinzant WOU (Best athlete in the state of oregon hands down:
his current numbers are: 39VJ, 410BP, 550SQ, 28reps on 225lbs,
10'8"STLJ, box jump of 57.5" all at a bodyweight of 220lbs, he also
runs a 4.41 40yd electric)
Kevin Boss WOU
Jon Apgar WOU (he just signed with the LA Avengers in the Arena 1)
Owen Marecic
Dan Wagner

I had members of the Swedish World Cup and Olympic Bobsleigh team
come and spend a month with me last summer. In March I will be
hosting a seminar with three of the top coaches in the World, you can
find the details of it on the website.

You can e-mail me at ptc@integraonline.com

I look forward to hearing from you,

Mark McLaughlin
Performance Training Center

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Big Bad Back!!

Big Bad Back!!
Brian Derby Camp 2006: Oregon

Go to Coach Dirks Real Estate Site!